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Join the Blue Heart Community

The Blue Heart Campaign encourages everyone – governments; intergovernmental, international and non-profit organizations; private/corporate sector; civil society; and individuals - to take action to help stop human trafficking and fight its impact on society.It allows you to get involved in activities, show solidarity with the victims, and raise awareness.The campaign provides you its branding and you can use it to help make a difference. 

Joining the Blue Heart Community: eligibility and guidelines

Governments and international organizations

  • Governments should be a State Party to the Protocol to Prevent, Punish and Suppress Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and Children, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime.
  • Alternatively, governments should have taken steps towards ratifying or acceding to the Trafficking in Persons Protocol. The same applies to regional economic integration organizations which are parties to the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime.
  • Other international organizations should clearly indicate their support for the Protocol and its definition of trafficking in persons.

Other entities, individuals

  • All other entities, civil society organizations or the corporate / private sector, as well as individuals, must demonstrate commitment to supporting the spirit and meaning of the Trafficking in Persons Protocol.
  • Any activities carried out in the name of the Blue Heart Campaign must align with the objectives of the Protocol and not be used to support other causes not included in the Protocol.

The Trafficking in Persons Protocol in a nutshell

Adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2000, it is the first and only international instrument with an agreed definition on trafficking in persons. It supports a comprehensive approach to prevent human trafficking, punish the traffickers, and protect and assist the victims, with full respect for their human rights.

Use of the Blue Heart

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The Blue Heart is a free branding symbol for use by anyone who shares the campaign’s goals and abides by the basic United Nations principles of good behaviour and respectability. 

Supporters of the Blue Heart Campaign are encouraged to advocate and express their support for the fight against human trafficking.


For such activities, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) authorizes supporters to use the Blue Heart branding, under following conditions:

  • Because it represents the identity of the international campaign, the branding/logo can only be used as designed and produced, and as available to download, from the Blue Heart website.  
  • Its design cannot be changed or edited in any way without UNODC’s permission.  
  • When the branding is used, appropriate recognition should be given to UNODC, i.e. "international/UN campaign coordinated by UNODC" and a link made to UNODC Blue Heart campaign website where possible.
  • As long as the activities, products and materials are consistent with the goals, objectives and messages of the campaign, the branding can be used without permission for the following activities or products: 
    - Information and promotional campaigns 
    - Awareness-raising activities, newsletters and journal articles
    - Web sites, radio and television programmes, or advertisements 
    - Conferences and seminars 
    - Promotional items 
  • The Blue Heart Campaign’s name, slogan and branding should not be used to endorse, directly or in any manner, commercial products or services without explicit UNODC written permission. Likewise, the slogan and branding should not be used in any way which misrepresents the objectives of the campaign or undermines UNODC’s policies and/or activities.  
  • All donations collected under the Blue Heart Campaign must go to the United Nations Voluntary Trust Fund for Victims of Trafficking in Persons (UNVTF). Caution is required when placing the logo on supporter webpages or campaigns that directly or indirectly call for donations for other causes besides UNVTF.  


Supporters’ responsibilities

Blue Heart Campaign supporters agree to:  

  • Avoid bringing the campaign into disrepute
  • Observe and abide by the use of the Blue Heart branding as per the “Use of Blue Heart” description
  • Accept that being part of this campaign does not entitle them to claim that UNODC endorses their product, services and activities in any way, nor to use the campaign for lobbying purposes
  • Be prepared to actively and publicly promote the branding and campaign messages against trafficking in humans, as well as make use of existing campaign materials (leaflet, fact sheet, video etc.), which can be translated and adapted to local contexts
  • Contact UNODC for support and permission in case adaptation or translation of the branding is required
  • Consider the following if they would like to develop their own campaign materials to suit their local context and needs:
    - activity/messaging supports campaign goals and the spirit and meaning
      of the Trafficking in Persons Protocol
    - campaign branding/messaging is in line with the campaign brand guidelines
  • Agree not to use proposed campaign material/activity/message development if UNODC decides these are unsuitable  
  • Cease using the campaign branding with immediate effect if UNODC requires any partner to cease partnering with the campaign

How to support the campaign and take action: some suggestions


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  • Become an official supporter of the campaign;
  • Advise the UNODC Advocacy Section of the intention to sign up to the Blue Heart Campaign, at;  
  • Organize an event to launch the Blue Heart Campaign (if possible, attended by a UNODC representative);
  • Project the Blue Heart on iconic buildings on the day / during the week of the launch;
  • Promote the Blue Heart Campaign throughout the year, and especially on the World Day against Trafficking in Persons (30 July);
  • Follow the @BlueHeartHT twitter account and use the hashtags #EndHumanTrafficking or #AQUIESTOY on all your social media channels;
  • Place Blue Heart banners / links to the Blue Heart web page on government websites;

Transportation sector

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  • Inform the UNODC Advocacy Section of the intention to join the Blue Heart community;
  • Organize awareness- raising activities at check-in counters, bus terminals or any other transportation hub or during flights;
  • Have crew, staff or hostesses wear Blue Heart pins and/or T-shirts;
  • Explain the Blue Heart Campaign through crew announcements;
  • Select a transportation vehicle to display a Blue Heart graphic on its door/side;
  • Promote the Blue Heart Campaign throughout the year, and especially on the World Day against Trafficking in Persons on 30 July;
    - Follow the @BlueHeartHT twitter account and use the hashtags 
      #EndHumanTrafficking or #AQUIESTOY on all your social media channels;
    - Have a link to the Blue Heart web page on your global website;
    - Raise awareness of the global nature of human trafficking and the Blue Heart
    - Campaign in an on-board magazine through an article or an advertisement;
    - Support UNODC by adapting information and other Blue Heart materials
      (for advice on this, please contact the UNODC Advocacy Section)

All other entities and individuals

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  • Follow the @BlueHeartHT twitter account and use the hashtags #EndHumanTrafficking or #AQUIESTOY on all your social media channels;
  • Place banners / links to the Blue Heart web page on your website;
  • Use the Blue Heart branding in your newsletters, or on your awareness-raising materials;
  • Use the Blue Heart branding when organizing or participating in awareness-raising activities and events to mark key anti-human trafficking days, such as the World Day against Trafficking in Persons on 30 July;
  • Help localize and translate material about the Blue Heart Campaign (for advice on this, please contact the UNODC Advocacy Section);
  • Spread the word about the Campaign through your own networks and contacts;
  • Organize talks and events to raise awareness of human trafficking.