
In response to requests by Member States for specialized capacity-building assistance, UNODC has developed in-depth expertise in a range of thematic areas essential for effective counter-terrorism responses.

Current Projects

UNODC delivers tailor-made technical assistance through mentoring and training activities built in close consultation with the recipient country and other partner entities. The Terrorism Prevention Branch works with criminal justice officials involved in the investigation, prosecution and adjudication of terrorism cases to strengthen their capacity to implement counter-terrorism legislation.


We develop tailor-made capacity-building resources, including policy guidance, and training materials that can be used depending on the specific needs and requirements of the requesting State. We also maintain online databases of legislation and case law, deliver online training courses on criminal justice responses to terrorism. More >


About Us

UNODC is a key United Nations entity that supports Member States with their international legal responsibilities to counter terrorism, with a focus on criminal justice responses to terrorism. The Terrorism Prevention Branch (TPB) of UNODC as well as its offices in the field play a central role in delivering targeted assistance to its partners to protect Member States’ citizens from terrorism ... more