In line with the UNODC Strategy 2021-2025: "UNODC will conduct evaluations in UNODC's mandated areas of work, as well as utilize evaluation and oversight results to provide information at an aggregate level, for example, through meta-syntheses." The Strategy also reflects that "findings of oversight bodies and evaluations will be used to create a learning organization."
The Independent Evaluation Section (IES) is the operationally independent evaluation function at UNODC, with the Chief of IES reporting directly on the achievements, challenges and opportunities as identified in participatory, independent, inclusive, human rights and gender-responsive evaluations at corporate, policy, programme and project levels to UNODC's Executive Director and Member States.
Read more about IES, who we are and what we do
IES contributes to the implementation of the UNODC Strategy 2021-2025 and ensures a wide variety of services and products to support evidence-based decision-making on countering drugs, crime and terrorism in line with its three strategic pillars of mandated work indicated below.
Evaluation Capacity Development for internal and external stakeholders; Evaluation and the SDGs.
Database with all UNODC evaluation reports by year/topic/region and external quality assessments.
Evaluation-based knowledge products based upon aggregate evaluation results, including meta-syntheses.