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UNODC’s mission is to contribute to global peace and security, human rights and development by making the world safer from drugs, crime, corruption and terrorism. This Strategy for the next five years will equip UNODC to deliver effectively, efficiently and with accountability, elevating our support to Member States to build just, inclusive and resilient societies that leave no one behind.

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The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the world. The resulting health, humanitarian and economic crises are seriously putting at risk the lives and livelihoods of people everywhere. It has exacerbated problems of fragility, crime and terrorism and exposed inequalities.

This also jeopardizes the multilateral consensus reflected in the vision of wellbeing for all that is contained in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

The pandemic clearly demonstrates that the challenges we face are global, and that the solutions are also global. We will help to forge these common solutions by bringing together countries to share knowledge, skills, and to combat the challenges of drugs, crime, corruption and terrorism.

Cohesive, safe, and resilient societies are critical if this mission is to be realised.  UNODC works with and for Member States, Civil Society, Academia and other partners to promote justice and the rule of law at all levels.  

The knowledge that we have gained in implementing projects, and by analysing data and trends can help rapidly identify new trends and threats and design policy and programmatic responses to address them.

Our interventions will pay special attention to human rights, protection of children, gender equality, empowerment of women and youth.

In order to serve the people better, the UN is engaged in a series of measures to improve the services we provide, to ascertain how they are provided, and to determine if they are reaching those most in need.

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The coming five years will see UNODC deploy innovative methods, leverage new technologies and create an organizational culture that is based on trust, respect and accountability.

Our thematic areas

world drug problem

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- Improved prevention, treatment and care
- Effective criminal justice responses to trafficking
- Greater access to controlled medication for those in need
- Sustainable alternatives to illicit drug cultivation
- Strengthened international law enforcement cooperation
- Better understanding and monitoring of illicit drug markets


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- Effective legal frameworks to combat transnational organized crime
- Improved investigation and prosecution of criminal cases, and assistance to victims
- Better responses to cybercrime
- Greater and more timely analysis and monitoring of trends


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- Strengthened legal, policy and institutional frameworks to counter corruption
- Increased cooperation among and between institutions at the local, national and international levels
   to prevent and counter corruption
- Fast track implementation of the UN Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) review mechanism


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- Effective and accountable criminal justice responses to terrorism
- Increased international cooperation related to terrorism and its financing
- Application of human rights compliant measures to prevent terrorism and protect its victims
- Better programmes to prevent and counter violent extremism which can lead to terrorism


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- Strengthened access to justice for all, particularly the most vulnerable
- Effective, community and knowledge based crime prevention
- Better prevention of violence and increased access to gender responsive justice
- Strengthened prevention of and responses to violence against children
- Reforms to ensure safe and humane custody of prisoners




Flexible and wide-ranging partnerships are critical for ensuring that we can continue to deliver assistance to counter the social and health effects of drugs, crime, corruption and terrorism when and where needed; to build national and local ownership and sustainability and maximize impact.

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This Strategy is premised on political and financial partnerships, transparency and continuous engagement.

We shall hold ourselves accountable to achieving the goals and aspirations and undertake to communicate our results, successes and setbacks in a transparent manner to all our stakeholders.

We will expand the reach of our resource mobilization and our partnership efforts and provide better financial and substantive reporting.

We will conduct evaluations in all areas of work and use evaluation and oversight results to produce actionable recommendations.

We recognize communications as a key strategic driver of UNODC fulfilling its mandate and as such we will increase investments in communications capacities throughout.