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Banner of Commissions: CND and CCPCJ

The Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) and the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (CCPCJ) are policymaking bodies within the United Nations system and guide international action against drugs and crime. The CND and CCPCJ are functional commissions of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and Governing Bodies of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). Their resolutions and decisions provide guidance in their respective areas to Member States and the UNODC. The thematic areas covered by the CND and CCPCJ are also dealt with by the General Assembly, in particular its Third Committee, which deals with Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Affairs, and its Fifth Committee, which deals with budgetary matters relating to the governing bodies functions.


The Commission on Narcotic Drugs is the principal policy-making body of the United Nations in drug-related matters. Furthermore, it is mandated to decide about the scope of control of substances under the international drug control conventions.


The Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice is the principal policy-making body of the United Nations in these areas. It acts as preparatory and implementing body for the United Nations Congress on Crime prevention and Criminal Justice.


Both Commissions have tasked a standing open-ended intergovernmental working group with considering how to improve the governance structure and financial situation of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.

Vienna-based Commissions

The Vienna-based Commission have a similar organizational structure. They are functional Commissions of the Economic and Social Council. Their respective thematic areas are also dealt with by the General Assembly.


Technical and substantive services to the Commissions are provided by the Secretariat to the Governing Bodies, which is also the main contact point for Member States on the work of the Commissions.

UN Crime Congress

The United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice assembles every five years policy-makers, practitioners, academia, intergovernmental organizations and civil society.