Drug dependence treatment & care

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UNODC Executive Director, Ghada Waly

Commission on Narcotic Drugs, March 2020, 63rd CND side event "Implementation of the International Standards for the Treatment of Drug Use Disorders - progress and challenges at national level"

"Millions of people around the world suffer from drug use disorders but only one in eight receive treatment. Far fewer women than men are able to get the treatment and services they need due to persisting barriers and stigma. Strengthening prevention and treatment of substance use is a specific target under Sustainable Development Goal 3 to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all."

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Drug dependence is considered a multi-factorial health disorder that often follows the course of a relapsing and remitting chronic ... read more


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The work of UNODC is guided by a broad range of international, legally binding instruments and treaties. The following three ... read more

Donors & Partners

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The UNODC Drug Dependence Treatment and Rehabilitation unit benefits from the generous support of a number of donors ... read more

Our work

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Following the 2009 Political Declaration and Plan of Action, UNODC has put both health and human rights at the center stage of ... read more


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The UNODC Drug Dependence Treatment and Rehabilitation Section has produced and continues to develop a wide range ... read more

Training resources

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A comprehensive set of training resources and tools, aimed at strengthening the capacity of Member States, has been developed by UNODC and in cooperation with other partners... read more