International Cooperation

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International cooperation in criminal matters has been at the centre of UNODC's work. With its many years of experience acting as the guardian of several international treaties that deal extensively with international cooperation as well as serving as the Secretariat to various relevant inter-governmental bodies, UNODC has firmly established itself as a centre of excellence in this area.

Inter-Governmental Bodies

Various inter-governmental bodies bring together practitioners, policy makers and other experts from all over the world on the issues of drugs and crime and thus offer Member States a platform for exchanging expertise, experience and information in these areas... more


To facilitate the data collection and the dissemination of information, UNODC has developed a variety of online databases.... more


International conventions often oblige States Parties to designate competent national authorities in various areas and to notify the United Nations accordingly. UNODC collects such notifications made under the conventions within its purview... more

Publications and Tools

In order to enhance knowledge and strengthen capacities of practitioners, UNODC has developed a broad range of legal and technical publications and tools dedicated to various areas of international cooperation... more

Technical Assistance

UNODC provides a wide range of tailored technical assistance activities to countries with a view to strengthening their responses to preventing and combating crime... more


International cooperation networks have proven to be invaluable in exchanging information and expertise, building trust and creating contacts among practitioners... more


UNODC has developed numerous training courses and e-learning modules available... more

News and Events

Read more about current UNODC's activities and events in the area of international cooperation... more