Partnerships and Funding

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Voluntary contributions from Member States, multilateral organizations, private sector and other sources comprise the bulk of UNODC funding in support of UNODC mandate areas associated to drug control and crime prevention.

Voluntary contributions primarily from Members States are growing and are primarily earmarked through global programmes and regional/country programmes or specific UNODC mandate areas.

Predicable and adequate funding remains a challenge for UNODC to support the 2030 Agenda and address the growing demands to support Member States in their efforts to overcome the challenges posed by organized crime, terrorism, drug trafficking and the associated health and societal consequences.

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Outreach efforts to expand UNODC's partnership base are on the incline and should lead to a diversified resource platform mindful of the fact that the availability of non-earmarked resources to the UNODC General Purpose Fund is crucial to support enhanced programme and results-based management, research, support to technical norms and standards for Member States, policy guidance and strategic direction.

Partners for Development

The challenges of today and the transformative change needed to achieve sustainable development require collective action from multiple actors ... more

Contributions in 2018

Pledges for voluntary contributions in 2018 amounted to US$ 361.9 million. The distribution of the funding was as follows ... more

Static Graphs about 2017 and historical contribution trends