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Fifty-third session

Vienna, Austria,  8 - 12 March 2010

Information for Participants

Side Events

Conference Room Papers (CRPs)

List of Participants

Document Symbol Title or description


Provisional agenda and annotations


Report of the Secretariat on the world situation with regard to drug abuse


Report of the Executive Director on the activities of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime


Report of the Secretariat on the world situation with regard to drug trafficking


Report of the Secretariat on action taken by subsidiary bodies of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs


Report of the Executive Director on strengthening the law enforcement capacity of the main transit States neighbouring Afghanistan, based on the principle of shared responsibility 


Report of the Executive Director on promoting best practices and lessons learned for the sustainability and integrality of alternative development programmes


Corrigendum: Report of the Executive Director on promoting best practices and lessons learned for the sustainability and integrality of alternative development programmes


Promoting coordination and alignment of decisions between the Commission on Narcotic Drugs and the Programme Coordinating Board of the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS 


Report of the Executive Director on proposal concerning quality evaluation of the performance of drug analysis laboratories 


Report of the Executive Director on strengthening international support for States in West Africa in their efforts to combat drug trafficking 


Report of the Executive Director on responding to the prevalence of HIV/AIDS and other blood-borne diseases among drugs users 


Note by the Secretariat on changes in the scope of control of substances 

E/CN.7/2010/13 - E.CN.15/2010/13 

Report of the Executive Director on the changes required to the strategic framework and their implications for the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime and for the allocation of resources to the subprogrammes of the programme of work, and the establishment of the independent evaluation unit and the sustainability of the Strategic Planning Unit 


Report of the Executive Director on assistance to States affected by the transit of illicit drugs 

E/CN.7/2010/14/Corr.1 (English only) 

Report of the Executive Director on assistance to States affected by the transit of illicit drugs 


Report on the meeting of the expert group on data collection, Vienna, 12-15 January 2010  


Note by the Secretariat on the revised set of data collection tools and mechanisms for the collection, collation, analysis and reporting of data, prepared by the expert group on data collection 


Revised set of data collection tools and mechanisms for the collection, collation, analysis and reporting of data, prepared by the expert group on data collection (Part I - Legislative and institutional framework) 

E/CN.7/2010/15/Add.1/Corr.1 (English only)



Revised set of data collection tools and mechanisms for the collection, collation, analysis and reporting of data, prepared by the expert group on data collection
Addendum Revised draft annual report questionnaire (Part I - Legislative and institutional framework)


Revised set of data collection tools and mechanisms for the collection, collation, analysis and reporting of data, prepared by the expert group on data collection (Part II - Comprehensive approach to drug demand reduction) 


Revised set of data collection tools and mechanisms for the collection, collation, analysis and reporting of data, prepared by the expert group on data collection (Part III - Extent, patterns and trends in drug use) 


Revised set of data collection tools and mechanisms for the collection, collation, analysis and reporting of data, prepared by the expert group on data collection (Part IV - Extent, patterns and trends in drug cultivation, manufacture and trafficking) 

E/CN.7/2010/16 - E/CN.15/2010/16 

Note by the Secretariat on the report on the meeting of the standing open-ended working group on improving the governance and financial situation of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime 


Proposed strategic framework for the biennium 2012-2013 - Note by the Secretary-General  

E/2010/28 -         E/CN.7/2010/18 

Commission on Narcotic Drugs Report of the fifty-third (2 December 2009 and 8-12 March 2010) 


Proposed strategic framework for the biennium 2012-2013 - Programme 13: International drug control, crime and terrorism prevention and criminal justice